Pack 18 Web

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Pack Meetings

Pack meetings are generally held every 4th Thursday of each month in the St. Mary Magdalen Parish Hall.  At Pack Meetings, we recognize all advancements, participants in events, and other achievements of the Cubs and the leaders.  The Cubmaster is the MC of the event, which is attended by scouts, leaders, relatives and friends.  Each pack meeting has a common theme or significant event and is semi-formal in nature.  

Month        Theme/Event                Date

March         Skits                            23rd

April            Raingutter Regatta        27th

May            Graduation/Rockets      25th


Den Meetings

Den Meetings are weekly meetings that are usually held at the Den Leaders' homes or rotate between the boys' homes.  Here, boys of the same age work on achievements, plan for the pack meeting, and have fun!  The dens take frequent field trips to places like the newspaper office, fire stations and a lot more.  To find out where and when your den is meeting, go to your den's page 

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings (sometimes known as leaders' meetings or parents' meetings) are held once a month on the 2nd Thursday.  We will be meeting in the music portable or the library at the school.  We will also be giving training to leaders at these meetings in the near future.  Usually, the committee members start at 7:00.  This is the place to be if you want to know what goes on behind the scenes.  The Committee Meeting is attended by the Committee Members (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Awards Chair, and Religious Emblems Chair), the Cubmaster and the Den leaders

An agenda with a calendar of future events is distributed by the Committee Chairman at least one week before the meeting, and will is available on this site in a brief form.

Roundtable and other Meetings

Roundtable is a monthly meeting attended by representatives of various units and other positions within the district.  This meeting is on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Everett LDS Ward.  All attendees first meet as a group, and then "break out" into small groups specific to their positions (Cub Leaders, Order of the Arrow, Commissioners, etc).  This is the best way to keep informed about upcoming district events and to meet scouts and scouters from different units.

Other meetings that are held include the District Committee Meeting, the Commissioners' meeting and others that are attended by members of various committees and positions.  These are scheduled by the participants and the schedule is usually in the Program Planning Calendar or The Echo.


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